Table of contents
- What is Redis?
- What is caching and pub/sub?
- Why use Redis for caching and pub/sub?
- Prerequisites
- Installing and Running Redis
- Using Redis as a Pub/Sub Broker in Node.js
- Conclusion
Node.js is a popular platform used for building fast and scalable web applications. However, you may encounter some challenges related to performance and scalability. For example, if your application grows bigger, you may need to handle a large number of requests, reduce the load on your database, or enable real-time communication between your components. How can you overcome these challenges and improve your application's performance and scalability? One possible solution is to use Redis.
Redis is an open source, in-memory, key-value data store that supports various data structures and offers high performance for caching and pub/sub scenarios. In this article, I will explain what caching and pub/sub are, how they can improve the performance and scalability of Node.js applications, and how to use Redis as a cache and a pub/sub broker in Node.js applications.
What is Redis?
Redis stands for Remote Dictionary Server. It is a data store that keeps all data in memory and allows you to access it using simple commands. Redis can also persist data to disk or another server for durability and backup. Redis supports different kinds of data structures, such as strings, lists, sets, hashes, sorted sets, streams, and more. You can use these data structures to model your domain logic and perform complex operations on them.
What is caching and pub/sub?
Caching is a technique used to improve the performance and scalability of applications. This is achieved by storing frequently accessed or resource-intensive data in memory, so that you can retrieve it faster than from a database or an external service. The benefits of caching are; reduction in latency, bandwidth, and CPU usage of your application, as well as improve the user experience.
Pub/sub is a messaging pattern that enables asynchronous communication between multiple applications or components by using a broker that distributes messages to interested subscribers. Pub/sub can decouple the producers and consumers of messages, allowing them to scale independently and handle failures gracefully. Pub/sub can also enable event-driven architectures, where components react to changes in the system state.
Why use Redis for caching and pub/sub?
Both caching and pub/sub can benefit from using Redis as the data broker, because of its speed, simplicity, and flexibility.
Some of the advantages of using Redis for caching and pub/sub are:
Speed: Redis is very fast, as it operates entirely in memory and uses optimized data structures and algorithms. Redis can handle millions of operations per second with sub-millisecond latency. This makes it ideal for caching database queries, API calls, and session state. It also enables high-rate data ingestion, messaging, event sourcing, and notifications with the stream data type.
Simplicity: Redis is easy to use, as it provides a simple and consistent interface for accessing and manipulating data. You can use the same commands for different data structures, and apply common patterns such as expiration, transactions, pipelining, scripting, and pub/sub. Redis also has many client libraries available for different programming languages, including Node.js.
Flexibility: Redis is versatile, as it supports various data models and use cases. You can use Redis as a primary database, a cache, a message broker, a queue, a search engine, a document store, a time series database, or a combination of them. You can also extend Redis with modules that provide additional functionality or custom data types.
To follow this article, you will need the following:
Node.js:Node.js is a JavaScript runtime environment that executes JavaScript code outside of a web browser. If you are new to Node.js click to learn more
npm: npm is a package manager for Node.js that allows you to install and manage JavaScript packages.
Redis: Redis is an in-memory data structure store that can be used for caching, pub/sub, and other applications. Learn More
Basic knowledge of JavaScript and Node.js concepts and commands: You should have a basic understanding of JavaScript syntax and concepts, as well as the Node.js runtime environment.MDN JavaScript documentation
Once you have the prerequisites installed and have a basic understanding of JavaScript and Node.js, you are ready to start learning how to use Redis for caching and pub/sub in Node.js applications.
Installing and Running Redis
Redis can be installed on a variety of platforms, including Windows, Linux, and macOS. The specific installation instructions will vary depending on your platform, but the general steps are as follows:
On Windows
Download the latest Redis for Windows release from the official GitHub repository:
Extract the downloaded zip file to a directory of your choice.
Navigate to the Redis installation directory using the command prompt.
Run the Redis server by executing the following command:
On Linux
- On most Linux distributions, you can use the package manager to install Redis. For example, on Ubuntu, you can run:
sudo apt-get install redis-server
Make sure to start the Redis service with:
sudo systemctl start redis-server
To ensure that Redis starts on boot:
sudo systemctl enable redis-server
On macOS
You can install Redis on macOS using Homebrew. If you haven't installed Homebrew yet, visit []( for instructions.
Once Homebrew is installed, run the following command to install Redis:
brew install redis
Start the Redis service with:
brew services start redis
Running Redis as a Standalone Process
Running Redis as a standalone process is the simplest way to get started. By default, Redis listens on port 6379. You can start Redis as a standalone process with the following command:
Running Redis as a Service
Running Redis as a service ensures that it starts automatically with your system and runs in the background. Here are the steps to do so on Linux:
- Start Redis as a service:
sudo systemctl start redis-server
- Enable Redis to start on boot:
sudo systemctl enable redis-server
Verifying Redis Installation
To verify that Redis is running and accessible, you can use the redis-cli
tool or other Redis clients in your Node.js code.
Using redis-cli
, open a terminal and run:
This should open the Redis command-line interface. You can then issue various commands to interact with Redis.
For example, to check if Redis is responsive, you can run:
If you receive a "PONG" response, Redis is up and running.
You've now successfully installed and set up Redis on your platform of choice. In the next sections, we'll delve into using Redis for caching and Pub/Sub messaging in Node.js applications.
Using Redis as a Cache in Node.js
Connecting to Redis with node-redis
The node-redis
module is a popular and easy-to-use client library for Node.js that allows you to interact with Redis from your code. You can install it using npm:
npm install redis
To connect to Redis, you need to create a client instance and provide the host, port, and password (if any) of your Redis server. For example:
const redis = require('redis');
// Create a client instance
const client = redis.createClient({
host: 'localhost',
port: 6379,
password: 'your-password'
// Handle connection errors
client.on('error', (err) => {
// Handle connection success
client.on('connect', () => {
console.log('Connected to Redis');
Once you have a client instance, you can use it to perform various operations on Redis. The `node-redis` module follows the Node.js convention of using callbacks for asynchronous operations. For example, to set a key-value pair in Redis, you can use the `set` method:
// Set a key-value pair
client.set('name', 'Alice', (err, reply) => {
if (err) {
} else {
console.log(reply); // OK
To get the value of a key, you can use the `get` method:
// Get the value of a key
client.get('name', (err, reply) => {
if (err) {
} else {
console.log(reply); // Alice
To delete a key, you can use the `del` method:
// Delete a key
client.del('name', (err, reply) => {
if (err) {
} else {
console.log(reply); // 1
To set an expiration time for a key, you can use the `expire` method:
// Set an expiration time for a key (in seconds)
client.expire('name', 10, (err, reply) => {
if (err) {
} else {
console.log(reply); // 1
You can also use the `setex` method to set a key-value pair with an expiration time in one command:
// Set a key-value pair with an expiration time (in seconds)
client.setex('name', 10, 'Alice', (err, reply) => {
if (err) {
} else {
console.log(reply); // OK
Using Redis Data Structures
Redis supports various data structures that can store different types of data in the cache. Some of the most common ones are:
Strings: The simplest and most basic data type in Redis. Strings can store text or binary data up to 512 MB in size.
Lists: Ordered collections of strings that support fast insertion and deletion at both ends.
Sets: Unordered collections of strings that do not allow repeated members.
Hashes: Collections of key-value pairs where both keys and values are strings.
Sorted sets: Ordered collections of strings that are sorted by a score associated with each member.
You can use different methods of the `node-redis` client to manipulate these data structures. For example, to create and manipulate a list in Redis, you can use the following methods:
// Create a list by pushing elements from the left
client.lpush('fruits', 'apple', 'banana', 'cherry', (err, reply) => {
if (err) {
} else {
console.log(reply); // 3
// Get the length of the list
client.llen('fruits', (err, reply) => {
if (err) {
} else {
console.log(reply); // 3
// Get a range of elements from the list
client.lrange('fruits', 0, -1, (err, reply) => {
if (err) {
} else {
console.log(reply); // \['cherry', 'banana', 'apple'\]
// Pop an element from the right of the list
client.rpop('fruits', (err, reply) => {
if (err) {
} else {
console.log(reply); // apple
To create and manipulate a set in Redis, you can use the following methods:
// Create a set by adding elements
client.sadd('colors', 'red', 'green', 'blue', (err, reply) => {
if (err) {
} else {
console.log(reply); // 3
// Get the cardinality of the set
client.scard('colors', (err, reply) => {
if (err) {
} else {
console.log(reply); // 3
// Get all the members of the set
client.smembers('colors', (err, reply) => {
if (err) {
} else {
console.log(reply); // \['red', 'green', 'blue'\]
// Remove an element from the set
client.srem('colors', 'red', (err, reply) =>; {
if (err) {
} else {
console.log(reply); // 1
To create and manipulate a hash in Redis, you can use the following methods:
// Create a hash by setting key-value pairs
client.hset('user', 'name', 'Bob', 'age', '25', (err, reply) => {
if (err) {
} else {
console.log(reply); // 2
// Get the number of fields in the hash
client.hlen('user', (err, reply) => {
if (err) {
} else {
console.log(reply); // 2
// Get all the fields and values in the hash
client.hgetall('user', (err, reply) => {
if (err) {
} else {
console.log(reply); // { name: 'Bob', age: '25' }
// Delete a field from the hash
client.hdel('user', 'age', (err, reply) => {
if (err) {
} else {
console.log(reply); // 1
To create and manipulate a sorted set in Redis, you can use the following methods:
// Create a sorted set by adding elements with scores
client.zadd('scores', '10', 'Alice', '20', 'Bob', '30', 'Charlie', (err, reply) => {
if (err) {
} else {
console.log(reply); // 3
// Get the number of elements in the sorted set
client.zcard('scores', (err, reply) => {
if (err) {
} else {
console.log(reply); // 3
// Get a range of elements from the sorted set by score
client.zrangebyscore('scores', '-inf', '+inf', (err, reply) => {
if (err) {
} else {
console.log(reply); // \['Alice', 'Bob', 'Charlie'\]
// Remove an element from the sorted set
client.zrem('scores', 'Alice', (err, reply) => {
if (err) {
} else {
console.log(reply); // 1
Using Redis Transactions and Pipelines
Redis transactions and pipelines are two features that allow you to execute multiple commands atomically or efficiently.
A Redis transaction is a sequence of commands that are executed as a single unit. All commands in a transaction are either executed successfully or not executed at all. You can use the multi
and exec
methods of the node-redis
client to create and execute a transaction. For example:
// Create a transaction with three commands
const transaction = client.multi();
transaction.set('name', 'Alice');
transaction.expire('name', 10);
// Execute the transaction atomically
transaction.exec((err, replies) => {
if (err) {
} else {
)); // \[ 'OK', 1, 1 \]
A Redis pipeline is a way of sending multiple commands to the server without waiting for the replies. This can improve the performance and reduce the network latency of your application. You can use the pipeline
method of the node-redis
client to create and execute a pipeline. For example:
// Create a pipeline with three commands
const pipeline = client.pipeline();
pipeline.set('name', 'Alice');
pipeline.expire('name', 10);
// Execute the pipeline efficiently
pipeline.exec((err, replies) => {
if (err) {
} else {
console.log(replies); // \[ \[ null, 'OK' \], \[ null, 1 \], \[ null, 1 \] \]
Note that unlike transactions, pipelines do not guarantee atomicity. If one command in a pipeline fails, the rest of the commands will still be executed.
Using Redis as a Cache in Node.js Applications
Now that you have learned how to use Redis for basic operations, data structures, transactions, and pipelines, let's see how you can use Redis as a cache in your Node.js applications.
Caching is a technique of storing frequently accessed data in a fast and temporary storage layer, such as Redis, to reduce the load on the original data source and improve the performance and scalability of your application. Some common use cases of caching with Redis are:
Caching API responses: You can cache the responses of your API endpoints in Redis and serve them to subsequent requests without hitting the database or external services. This can reduce the response time and bandwidth consumption of your API.
Caching user sessions: You can store user session data, such as authentication tokens, preferences, profile information, etc., in Redis and access them quickly and securely from your application. This can enhance the user experience and security of your application.
Caching database queries: You can cache the results of your database queries in Redis and reuse them for future queries that match the same criteria. This can reduce the load on your database and improve the query performance.
To illustrate how to use Redis as a cache in Node.js applications, we will provide some examples of each use case.
Caching API Responses
Suppose you have an API endpoint that returns a list of products from an external service or a database. You can cache the response of this endpoint in Redis and serve it to subsequent requests without calling the external service or the database again. Here is an example of how you can do this using Express and node-redis
const express = require('express');
const redis = require('redis');
// Create an Express app
const app = express();
// Create a Redis client
const client = redis.createClient({
host: 'localhost',
port: 6379,
password: 'your-password'
// Handle connection errors
client.on('error', (err) => {
// Define a route to get products
app.get('/products', (req, res) => {
// Check if the products are cached in Redis
client.get('products', (err, data) => {
if (err) {
res.status(500).send('Server error');
} else if (data) {
// If cached, send the data as JSON
} else {
// If not cached, call the external service or the database to get the products
getProductsFromServiceOrDatabase((err, products) => {
if (err) {
res.status(500).send('Server error');
} else {
// Cache the products in Redis with an expiration time (in seconds)
client.setex('products', 60, JSON.stringify(products));
// Send the products as JSON
// Start the app
app.listen(3000, () => {
console.log('App listening on port 3000');
Caching User Sessions
Suppose you have an application that requires users to log in and store some session data, such as authentication tokens, preferences, profile information, etc. You can store this session data in Redis and access it quickly and securely from your application. Here is an example of how you can do this using Express, Passport, node-redis
, and connect-redis
const express = require('express');
const passport = require('passport');
const redis = require('redis');
const session = require('express-session');
const RedisStore = require('connect-redis')(session);
// Create an Express app
const app = express();
// Create a Redis client
const client = redis.createClient({
host: 'localhost',
port: 6379,
password: 'your-password'
// Handle connection errors
client.on('error', (err) => {
// Configure Passport for authentication
passport.use(/* your strategy here/*);
passport.serializeUser(/* your serializer here */);
passport.deserializeUser(/* your deserializer here */);
// Configure session middleware to use Redis as the store
store: new RedisStore({ client }),
secret: 'your-secret',
resave: false,
saveUninitialized: false
// Initialize Passport and session
// Define a route to log in users'/login', passport.authenticate(/* your strategy here */), (req, res) => {
// If authenticated, send a success message
res.send('Login successful');
// Define a route to get user profile
app.get('/profile', (req, res) => {
// If logged in, send the user profile from the session
if (req.isAuthenticated()) {
} else {
// If not logged in, send an unauthorized message
// Start the app
app.listen(3000, () => {
console.log('App listening on port 3000');
Caching Database Queries
Suppose you have an application that performs some database queries that are expensive or frequently accessed. You can cache the results of these queries in Redis and reuse them for future queries that match the same criteria. Here is an example of how you can do this using MongoDB, Mongoose,
, and mongoose-redis-cache
const mongoose = require('mongoose');
const redis = require('redis');
const cache = require('mongoose-redis-cache');
// Create a Redis client
const client = redis.createClient({
host: 'localhost',
port: 6379,
password: 'your-password'
// Handle connection errors
client.on('error', (err) => {
// Connect to MongoDB
mongoose.connect('mongodb://localhost:27017/your-database', {
useNewUrlParser: true,
useUnifiedTopology: true
// Define a schema for products
const productSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
name: String,
price: Number,
category: String
// Enable caching for the schema with Redis
productSchema.set('cache', true);
// Create a model for products
const Product = mongoose.model('Product', productSchema);
// Perform a query to get products by category and cache the result in Redis with an expiration time (in seconds)
Product.find({ category: 'electronics' }).cache(60).exec((err, products) => {
if (err) {
} else {
Using Redis as a Pub/Sub Broker in Node.js
To use Redis as a pub/sub broker in Node.js, you can use the node-redis
module. This module provides a simple interface for subscribing to and publishing messages on Redis channels.
To subscribe to a channel, you can use the following code:
const redis = require('redis');
const client = redis.createClient();
// Subscribe to the `chat` channel
client.subscribe('chat', (message, channel) => {
console.log(\`Received message: ${message} on channel: ${channel}`);
To publish a message to a channel, you can use the following code:
client.publish('chat', 'Hello, world!');
Redis also supports patterns and wildcards when subscribing to channels. This allows you to subscribe to multiple channels or topics with a single subscription.
For example, the following subscription will match any channel that starts with the prefix chat:
client.subscribe('chat:*', (message, channel) => {
console.log(`Received message: ${message} on channel: ${channel}`);
You can also use events and callbacks to handle incoming messages or errors. For example, the following code will log all incoming messages to the console:
client.on('message', (message, channel) => {
console.log(\`Received message: ${message} on channel: ${channel}\`);
Here are some examples of how to use Redis as a pub/sub broker in Node.js applications:
Implementing chat rooms
You can use Redis to implement chat rooms by creating a channel for each chat room. Users can then subscribe to the channel for the chat room they want to join. When a user sends a message, it is published to the channel and all other users subscribed to the channel will receive the message.
Implementing notifications
You can use Redis to implement notifications by creating a channel for each type of notification. Users can then subscribe to the channels for the types of notifications they want to receive. When a notification is generated, it is published to the appropriate channel and all users subscribed to the channel will receive the notification.
Implementing event-driven architectures
You can use Redis to implement event-driven architectures by publishing events to channels and subscribing to those channels to handle the events. This allows you to decouple different components of your application and make them more scalable and resilient.
Here is an example of how to implement a simple event-driven architecture using Redis and Node.js:
// Create a channel for the event
const eventChannel = 'user:created';
// Publish an event when a new user is created
function createUser(user) {
client.publish(eventChannel, JSON.stringify(user));
// Subscribe to the event and handle it
client.on('message', (message, channel) => {
if (channel === eventChannel) {
const user = JSON.parse(message);
// Handle the user creation event
This is just a simple example, but it demonstrates how Redis can be used to implement event-driven architectures in Node.js applications.
Redis is a powerful pub/sub broker that can be used to implement a variety of applications in Node.js. By using Redis, you can improve the performance, scalability, and resilience of your applications.
This article has explained how to use Redis as a cache and a pub/sub broker in Node.js applications. Redis is a powerful in-memory data structure store that can be used to improve the performance, scalability, and resilience of your applications.
Here is a summary of the main points and benefits of using Redis in Node.js:
Improved performance: Redis can significantly improve the performance of your applications by caching frequently accessed data in memory. This can reduce the number of database calls and improve the response time of your applications.
Increased scalability: Redis is a horizontally scalable database, which means that you can add more Redis servers to handle increased traffic. This makes Redis a good choice for applications that need to scale to handle large numbers of users and requests.
Improved resilience: Redis is a fault-tolerant database, which means that it can continue to operate even if some of its servers fail. This makes Redis a good choice for applications that need to be highly available.
Here are some best practices for using Redis in Node.js applications:
Use a connection pool: A connection pool allows you to reuse Redis connections, which can improve the performance of your applications.
Use keys with prefixes: Using keys with prefixes can help to organize your data in Redis and make it easier to manage.
Use expiration times: Setting expiration times on your data can he
lp to keep your Redis database clean and prevent it from becoming too large.
Monitor your Redis database: It is important to monitor your Redis database to ensure that it is performing well and that there are no errors.
Additional Resources
ioredis\: A Node.js Redis client with cluster support.
bull\: A Node.js queue manager that uses Redis for storage.\: A Node.js library for real-time communication that uses Redis for transport.
I encourage you to explore these resources to learn more about how to use Redis with Node.js. Redis is a powerful tool that can be used to improve your applications in a variety of ways.